Level of difficulty

Sizes: XS, S, M, (L, XL, 2XL) 3XL, 4XL, 5XL
To fit bust: 34", 36", 38" (40", 42", 44") 46", 48", 50"
Ease: 2½"
9, 10, 10 (12,12,13) 15,15,17 skeins of Aloe Vera - Color: 3402;
1 pair of nr 9 needles;
Tapestry needle;
4 stitch holders.
BS: k1 at the beginning and end of every row;
k = knit;
k2tog = knit 2 stitches together. A right-leaning decrease;
st = stitch, stitches;
p = purl;
RS = right side;
ssk: slip one stitch as if to knit; slip another stitch as if to knit; insert left needle through the front ;strand of these two stitches and knit them together. A left-leaning decrease;
WS = wrong side;
yo = yarn over the needle.
Gauge: 4” = 17 st × 24 rows.
Body (make 2, one for the front, another for the back)
Cast on 81, 87, 90 (96, 99, 102) 108, 114, 120 st (always a multiple of 3)
Setup Row 1: k
Setup Row 2: BS, p to last st, BS.
Row 1 (RS): BS, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, repeat from to last 2 st, k1, BS.
Row 2 and all even rows (WS): BS, p to last st, BS.
Row 3: repeat row 1
Rows 5 and 7: BS, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, repeat once from , k to last 8 st, repeat twice from *, k1, BS.
Repeat these 8 rows once. Then repeat rows 1 to 4. Put a removable marker at the beginning and end of the last row.
Next 8 rows:
Row 1: BS, k to last st, BS.
Row 2 and all even rows (WS): BS, p to last st, BS.
Row 3: repeat row 1
Rows 5 and 7: BS, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, repeat from to last 2 st, k1, BS.
Repeat these last 8 rows 4, 4, 4 (5, 5, 5) 6, 6, 6 times more; then repeat rows 1 and 2.
Setup row 1: BO 5 st, k1, p1, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p2, k to last 13 st, p2, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p1, k6.
Setup row 2: BO 5 st, p to last st, BS.
Now, shape the raglan armhole:
Row 1: BS, p1, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p2, ssk, k1, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, repeat from to last 12 st, k2, k2tog, p2, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p1, BS.
Row 2 and all even rows from now on (WS): BS, k1, p4, k2, p to last 8 st, k2, p4, k1, BS.
Row 3: BS, p1, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p2, k2, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, repeat from to last 11 st, k3, p2, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p1, BS.
Row 5: BS, p1, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p2, ssk, k to last 10 st, k2tog, p2, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p1, BS.
Row 7: BS, p1, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p2, k to last 8 st, p2, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p1, BS.
Row 9: BS, p1, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p2, ssk, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, repeat from to last 10 st, k2tog, p2, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p1, BS.
Row 11: BS, p1, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p2, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, repeat from to last 9 st, k1, p2, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p1, BS.
Row 13: Repeat row 5.
Row 15: Repeat row 7.
Row 17: BS, p1, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p2, ssk, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, repeat from to last 11 st, k1, k2tog, p2, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p1, BS.
Row 19: BS, p1, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p2, k1, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, repeat from to last 10 st, k2, p2, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p1, BS.
Row 21: repeat row 5.
Row 23: repeat row 7.
Only for Size XS:
Repeat rows 1 to 18.
Next RS row: BS, p1, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p2, ssk1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, repeat from to last 10 st, k2tog, p2, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p1, BS.
Next RS row: repeat row 5.
Only for Size S:
Repeat rows 1 to 24.
Next 2 RS rows: repeat row 5.
Only for Size M
Repeat rows 1 to 22.
Next 3 RS rows: repeat row 5.
Only for Size L and XL
Repeat rows 1 to 22.
New Row 23: repeat row 5.
Row 25: repeat row 17.
Row 27: repeat row 9.
Row 29: repeat row 5.
Only for Size 2XL
Repeat rows 1 to 22.
New Row 23: repeat row 5.
Row 25: repeat row 17.
Row 27: repeat row 9.
Next 3 RS rows: repeat row 5.
Only for Size 3 XL
Repeat rows 1 to 14.
New Row 15: repeat row 5.
New Row 17: repeat row 9.
New Row 19: repeat row 1.
New Rows 21 and 23: repeat row 5.
Row 25: repeat row 17.
Row 27: repeat row 9.
Next 3 RS rows: repeat row 5.
Only for Size 4XL
Repeat rows 1 to 10.
New Row 11: repeat row 1.
New Rows 13 and 15: repeat row 5.
New Row 17: repeat row 17.
New Row 19: repeat row 9.
New Rows 21 and 23: repeat row 5.
Row 25: repeat row 9.
Row 27: repeat row 1.
Next 4 RS rows: repeat row 5.
Only for Size 5XL
New Row 1: repeat row 1.
New Row 3: repeat row 17.
New Rows 5 and 7: repeat row 5.
New Row 9: repeat row 17.
New Row 11: repeat row 9.
New Rows 13 and 15: repeat row 5.
New Row 17: repeat row 9.
New Row 19: repeat row 1.
New Rows 21 and 23: repeat row 5.
Row 25: repeat row 1.
Row 27: repeat row 17.
Rows 29 and 31: repeat row 5.
Row 33: repeat row 17.
Row 35: repeat row 9.
Rows 37 and 39: repeat row 5.
Put all 45, 49, 52 (52, 55, 56) 58, 60, 60 stitches on hold. Cut the yarn.
Sleeves (Make 2)
Cast on 41, 47, 53 (59, 65, 71) 77, 83, 89 st.
Setup row 1: BS, p1, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p2, k to last 8 st, p2, k1, yo, p2, pass yo over 2 purled st, k1, p1, BS.
Setup row 2 (and all WS rows from now): BS, k1, p4, k2, p to last 8 st, k2, p4, k1, BS.
Repeat all rows from Row 1 of Body Armholes, except for Size XS.
Only for Size XS:
Work first 44 rows as for Body Armholes.
Next 3 RS rows: repeat row 7.
Put all 19, 19, 25 (25, 31, 35) 37, 39, 39 stitches on hold. Cut yarn.
High collar
Sew each of the 2 sleeves to each side of front piece; sew back to one sleeve only. Put all stitches on hold – back, first sleeve, front and second sleeve stitches – on one needle.
Setup row (WS): BS, p to last st, BS. Make two decreases randomly placed to correct st count.
Work 8 inches of 2/2 rib:
Row 1: BS, k1, p2, k2, p2, repeat from to last 2 st, k1, BS.
Row 2: BS, p1, k2, p2, k2, repeat from to last 2 st, p1, BS.
Repeat these 2 rows for 8 inches. Bind off loosely.
Sew collar side and the last raglan.
Sew body sides, beginning from armholes. Stop sewing on the removable markers. Let the side slits open at each side of the hem.
Hide ends.

Disclaimer: Measurements are approximate due to differences between centimeters and inches, needle sizes and tension. All care has been taken to allow accurate completion of the pattern.
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