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Velvet Sky Cardigan


Level of difficulty


5 (6, 7) balls of Glamour color 2931

Needles nr. 6 and 7. A circular needle nr 7 at least 32 inches long

Tapestry needle to sew and hide ends

3 stitch holders

4 removable markers


BO = bind off

CO = cast on

k = knit

k2tog = knit 2 stitches together (right-leaning decrease)

k3tog = knit 3 stitches together (right-leaning double decrease)

m1 = make 1 st: lift the strand between stitches, put it on left needle, work it twisted through the back loop

nr = number

st = stitch, stitches

p = purl

RS = right side

sl = slip 1 stitch

sl1k = slip 1 st as if to knit

sl2k = slip 2 stitches together as if to knit

s2kp = sl2k, k1, pass slipped stitches over (centered double decrease)

ssk = sl1k, sl1k, knit these two stitches together through the back loop (left-leaning decrease)

sssk = sl1k, sl1k, sl1k; knit these three stitches together through the back loop (left-leaning double decrease)

WS = wrong side

yo = yarn over


2×2 rib: p2, k2, repeat from . Next rows: work the stitches as they appear.

Stockinette stich: Knit right-side rows, purl wrong-side rows.

Spring blossom stitch (multiple of 12 – 1 st):

Row 1: k4, yo, sssk, yo, k9, repeat from to 7 last st, yo, sssk, yo, k4.

Row 2 and all even rows: p

Row 3: k1, [k1, yo, k1] in the same st, ssk, k3, k3tog, slip as if to knit the next three stitches one by one; insert left needle into the front of these 3 st and without dropping them from left needle make [4×(k1, yo), k1], drop stitches from left needle, sssk, repeat from to last 7 st, k3, k2tog, [k1, yo, k1] in the same st, k1.

Row 5: k1, yo, k3, ssk, k1, k2tog, 2×[k3, yo], k3, repeat from to last 9 st, ssk, k1, k2tog, k3, yo, k1.

Row 7: k2, yo, sssk, yo, s2kp, yo, 2×[sssk, yo, k, yo], sssk, repeat from to last 8 st, yo, s2kp, yo, sssk, yo, k2.

Row 9: k10, yo, sssk, yo, k9, repeat from to last st, k1.

Row 11: k1, k3tog, slip as if to knit the next three stitches one by one; insert left needle into the front of these 3 st and make [4×(k1, yo), k1], drop stitches from left needle, sssk, k3, k3tog, repeat from to last 7 st, slip as if to knit the next three stitches one by one; insert left needle into the front of these 3 st and make [4×(k1, yo), k1], drop stitches from left needle, sssk,  k1.

Row 13: k2tog, 2× [k3, yo], k3, ssk, k, repeat from *; last repetition ends on ssk (skip the last k).

Row 15: k1, 2×[sssk, yo, k, yo], sssk, yo, s2kp, yo, repeat from ; in the last repetition skip [yo, s2kp, yo] and k1 instead.


XS-M (L-2XL, 3XL-5XL)

To fit bust 32" to 37", 39½" to 44½", 47" to 52" with 7-2" ease





Cast on 94 (118, 142) st on nr 6 needles. Work 5” in 2×2 rib:

Row 1 (RS): p2, k2, p2, repeat from .

Row 2 (WS): k2, p2, k2, repeat from .

Finish with a RS row.

Change to nr 7 needles.

Work 24 inches in stockinette st (knit RS rows, purl WS rows).

Put live stitches on three stitch holders: 24 (36, 48) st for one shoulder, 46 st for the neck, 24 (36, 48) st for the other shoulder.


Left front

Cast on 46 (58, 70) st on nr 6 needles. Work 5” in 2×2 rib:

Row 1: p2, k2, p2, repeat from .

Row 2: k2, p2, k2, repeat from .

Finish with a RS row.

Change to nr 7 needles.

Setup row: p2, m1, p to end.

Work Spring Blossom Stitch; repeat all 16 rows 5 times total.


Left neck

Row 1: k4, yo, sssk, yo, k9, repeat from to last 7 st, yo, sssk, yo, k, k2tog, k.

Row 2 and all even rows: p

Row 3: k1, [k1, yo, k1] in the same st, ssk, k3, k3tog, slip as if to knit the next three stitches one by one; insert left needle into the front of these 3 st and make [4×(k1, yo), k1], drop stitches from left needle, sssk, repeat from to last 6 st, k3, k2tog, k1.

Row 5: k1, yo, k3, ssk, k1, k2tog, 2×[k3, yo], k3, repeat from to last 6 st, ssk, k1, k2tog, k1.

Row 7: k2, yo, sssk, yo, s2kp, yo, 2×[sssk, yo, k, yo], sssk, repeat from to last 4 st, yo, s2kp, k1.

Row 9: k10, yo, sssk, yo, k9, repeat from to last 6 st, k3, k2tog, k1.

Row 11: k1, k3tog, slip as if to knit the next three stitches one by one; insert left needle into the front of these 3 st and make [4×(k1, yo), k1], drop stitches from left needle, sssk, k3, k3tog, repeat from to last 2 st, k2tog.

Row 13: k2tog, 2× [k3, yo], k3, ssk, k, repeat from * to last 3 st, k3tog.

Row 15: k1, 2×[sssk, yo, k, yo], sssk, yo, s2kp, yo, repeat from ; in the last repetition skip [yo, s2kp, yo] and make k2tog, k instead.

Row 17: k4, yo, sssk, yo, k9, repeat from to last 8 st, yo, sssk, yo, k2, k2tog, k.

Row 19: k1, [k1, yo, k1] in the same st, ssk, k3, k3tog, slip as if to knit the next three stitches one by one; insert left needle into the front of these 3 st and make [4×(k1, yo), k1], drop stitches from left needle, sssk, repeat from to last 7 st, k3, k3tog, k1.

Row 21: k1, yo, k3, ssk, k, k2tog, 2×[k3, yo], k3, repeat from to last 6 st, ssk, k1, k2tog, k1.

Row 23: k2, yo, sssk, yo, s2kp, yo, 2×[sssk, yo, k, yo], sssk, repeat from to last 4 st, yo, s2kp, k1.

Row 25: k10, yo, sssk, yo, k9, repeat from to last 6 st, k3, k2tog, k1.

Row 27: k1, k3tog, slip as if to knit the next three stitches one by one; insert left needle into the front of these 3 st and make [4×(k1, yo), k1], drop stitches from left needle, sssk, k3, k3tog, repeat from to last 2 st, k2tog.

Row 29: k2tog, 2× [k3, yo], k3, ssk, k, repeat from * to last 3 st, k3tog.

Row 31: k1, 2×[sssk, yo, k, yo], sssk, yo, s2kp, yo, repeat from ; in the last repetition skip last yo.

You have 24 (36, 48) st. Go back to Row 1 of Spring Blossom Stitch; you’ll be making an additional k1 at the end of each RS row. Work to row 16 and repeat the first 8 rows.

K 1 row, p 1 row.

Graft the 24 (36, 48) st of front left shoulder to 24 (36, 48) st of back left shoulder. Finish off. Put a removable marker on the arm side of the grafting to indicate the shoulder.


Right front

Repeat left front; stop at the beginning of neck.


Right neck

Row 1: k1, ssk, k1, yo, sssk, yo, k9, repeat from to 7 last st, yo, sssk, yo, k4.

Row 2 and all even rows: p

Row 3: k1, ssk, k3, k3tog, slip as if to knit the next three stitches one by one; insert left needle into the front of these 3 st and make [4×(k1, yo), k1], drop stitches from left needle, sssk, repeat from to last 7 st, k3, k2tog, [k1, yo, k1] in the same st, k1.

Row 5: k1, ssk, k1, k2tog, 2×[k3, yo], k3, repeat from to last 9 st, ssk, k1, k2tog, k3, yo, k1.

Row 7: k1, s2kp, yo, 2×[sssk, yo, k, yo], sssk, yo, repeat from to last 8 st, s2kp, yo, sssk, yo, k2.

Row 9: k1, ssk, k3, yo, sssk, yo, k9, repeat from to last st, k1.

Row 11: k1, sssk, k3, k3tog, slip as if to knit the next three stitches one by one; insert left needle into the front of these 3 st and make [4×(k1, yo), k1], drop stitches from left needle, sssk, k3, k3tog, repeat from to last 7 st, slip as if to knit the next three stitches one by one; insert left needle into the front of these 3 st and make [4×(k1, yo), k1], drop stitches from left needle, sssk, k1.

Row 13: sssk, k1, k2tog, 2× [k3, yo], k3, ssk, k, repeat from *; last repetition ends on ssk (skip the last k).

Row 15: k1, ssk, 2×[sssk, yo, k, yo], sssk, yo, s2kp, yo, repeat from ; in the last repetition skip [yo, s2kp, yo] and k1 instead.

Row 17: k1, ssk, k2, yo, sssk, yo, k9, repeat from to 7 last st, yo, sssk, yo, k4.

Row 19: k1, sssk, k3, k3tog, slip as if to knit the next three stitches one by one; insert left needle into the front of these 3 st and make [4×(k1, yo), k1], drop stitches from left needle, sssk, repeat from to last 7 st, k3, k2tog, [k1, yo, k1] in the same st, k1.

Row 21: k1, ssk, k1, k2tog, 2×[k3, yo], k3, repeat from to last 9 st, ssk, k1, k2tog, k3, yo, k1.

Row 23: k1, s2kp, yo, 2×[sssk, yo, k, yo], sssk, yo, repeat from to last 8 st, s2kp, yo, sssk, yo, k2.

Row 25: k1, ssk, k3, yo, sssk, yo, k9, repeat from to last st, k1.

Row 27: ssk, sssk, k3, k3tog, slip as if to knit the next three stitches one by one; insert left needle into the front of these 3 st and make [4×(k1, yo), k1], drop stitches from left needle, repeat from to last 4 st, sssk, k1.

Row 29: sssk, k, k2tog, 2× [k3, yo], k3, ssk, repeat from .

Row 31: sssk, yo, 2×[sssk, yo, k, yo], sssk, yo, s2kp, repeat from ; in the last repetition skip yo, s2kp and k1 instead.

Now you have 24 (36, 48) st. Go back to Row 1 of Spring Blossom Stitch; now on you’ll be making an additional k1 at the beginning of all RS rows. Work to row 16 and repeat the first 8 rows.

K 1 row, p 1 row.

Graft the 24 (36, 48) st of front right shoulder to 24 (36, 48) st of back right shoulder. Finish off. Put a removable marker on the arm side of the grafting to indicate the shoulder.



From the shoulder marker, measure 9½ (10, 10½) inches down the back and put a marker; measure 9½ (10, 10½) inches down the front and put another marker. With nr. 7 needles, pick up and knit 86 (92, 98) st [43 (46, 49) from first marker to shoulder marker, 43 (46, 49) st from shoulder marker to last marker].

On RS, make a decrease row each 10 rows: k1, k2tog, k to last 3 st, ssk, k.

When you get to 66 st, stop decreasing and knit plain.

When you reach 16 (17, 18)" from beginning of sleeve (or 4 inches less than desired sleeve length), change to nr 6 needles and work 4 inches in 2×2 rib.

Bind off.

Make the other sleeve the same way. You can block your cardigan now, if you wish.


Neck and front finishing

With nr 7 needles, , pick up and knit 148 st from the bottom of right front up, knit the 46 stitches on the back neck stitch holder and pick up and knit 148 st down the left front (342 st total). K 1 row, p 1 row, k 1 row.

Next row (WS): k4, p2, k2, repeat from to last 6 st, p2, k4.

Next row (RS): k1, p3, k2, p2, repeat from to last 6 st, k2, p3, k1.

Repeat these last 2 rows 3 more times (total of 8 ribbing rows). Bind off.



Sew sleeves and sides. Hide ends.

Designer: Beatriz Medina

Disclaimer: Measurements are approximate due to differences between centimeters and inches, needle sizes and tension. All care has been taken to allow accurate completion of the pattern.

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