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Sleeves Inlove Slim Green Blouse


5 hanks of Inlove Slim (100g) in the color 5368 (moss); Bamboo 4.50 and 6.00 mm circular needles and 80 cm cable; Circulo tapestry needle; 2 safety pins; 3 Circulo stitch holder; wax paper; pencil; scissors; measuring tape.

Size: M

Level of difficulty




fol: follow/following, inc: increase, dec: decrease(s), st: stitch, sts: stitches, k: knit, p: purl,  BO: bind off, CO: cast-on.

Stitches used: 2x2 rib: follow chart 1; established st pattern: follow chart 2; right border: follow chart 3; left border: follow chart 4.

Gauge: 10 x 10 cm square in the established st pattern (chart 2), using 6.00 mm needles = 15 sts. x 24 rows.

Execution: transfer the molds into wax paper to use as a reference while making the piece. Pay attention to the arrows in the chart indicating the direction of the work. Knit flat.

Back: CO 66 sts using Inlove Slim in the color Moss and 4.5 mm circular needles. Start by making 2x2 rib fol. chart 1 for 5 cm; when making the last row of the ribbing, make 8 evenly distributed increases to have 74 sts in total. When you finish the ribbing, change to the 6.00 needles and work fol. the st pattern on chart 2 until it measures 24 cm from the CO edge. Begin to shape the raglan by BO 4 sts on each side, ending with a total of 66 sts. Then work as follows: 3 right border sts (chart 3), 60 sts (chart 2), 3 left border sts (chart 4). Proceed with the raglan shaping dec. on both sides every 4th row, 1 st after the right border and 1 before the left border, for a total of 8 times (32 rows). Then dec. every 2nd row, for a total of 11 times (22 rows). Knit until your piece measures 48 cm from the CO edge and place the remaining 28 sts into a stitch holder to work on them later. Cut the yarn.

Front: CO 66 sts using Inlove Slim in the color Moss and 4.5 mm circular needles. Start by making 2x2 rib fol. chart 1 for 5 cm; when making the last row of the ribbing, make 8 evenly distributed increases to have 74 sts in total. When you finish the ribbing, change to the 6.00 needles and work fol. the st pattern on chart 2 until it measures 24 cm from the CO edge. Begin to shape the raglan by BO 4 sts on each side, ending with a total of 66 sts. Then work as follows: 3 right border sts (chart 3), 60 sts (chart 2), 3 left border sts (chart 4). Proceed with the raglan shaping dec. on both sides every 4th row, 1 st after the right border and 1 before the left border, for a total of 8 times (32 rows). Then dec. every 2nd row, for a total of 7 times (14 rows), 36 sts in total. Knit until your piece measures 42 cm from the CO edge and then decrease for the raglan shaping and the collar simultaneously. For the collar, BO the 14 center sts and knit in pattern each side with 11 sts, dec. in the middle edges for the neckline every 2nd row for a total of 3 times (6 rows). For the raglan shaping, proceed with the dec. every 2nd row for a total of 5 times (10 rows). When the piece measures 48 cm from the CO edge, place the 3 remaining sts on each side of the collar on a st holder to work on them later.

Sleeve: CO 56 sts using Inlove Slim in the color Moss and 4.5 mm circular needles. Start by making 2x2 rib fol. chart 1 for 4 cm; when making the last row of the ribbing, make 6 evenly distributed increases to have 62 sts in total. When you finish the ribbing, change to the 6.00 needles and work fol. the st pattern on chart 2 until it measures 20 cm from the CO edge. Begin to shape the raglan by BO 4 sts on each side, ending with a total of 54 sts. Then work as follows: 3 right border sts (chart 3), 48 sts (chart 2), 3 left border sts (chart 4). Proceed with the raglan shaping dec. on both sides every 4th row, 1 st after the right border and 1 before the left border, for a total of 8 times (32 rows). Then dec. every 2nd row, for a total of 11 times (22 rows). When the piece measures 44 cm from the CO edge, place the remaining 16 sts into a st holder to work on them later. Make a second sleeve following the same instructions and put them aside.

Collar: place the sts on the st holders back into the working 4.5 mm needles and divide them as follows: 28 sts (back), 16 sts (left sleeve), PU and knit 22 sts on the front, 16 sts (right sleeve). You should have 82 sts. Knit the collar in 2x2 rib fol. chart 1 for 5 cm, then BO all sts.

Assembling: sew the sleeves to the body using a tapestry needle and yarn Inlove Slim in the color moss (24 cm). Sew the sides of the body (24 cm), sleeves (20 cm) and collar (5 cm).

Designer: Mariane Machado

Disclaimer: Measurements are approximate due to differences between centimeters and inches, needle sizes and tension. All care has been taken to allow accurate completion of the pattern.

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