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Navy Stripes


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2 Anne yarn balls - color #8001 (white),

1 Anne yarn ball - color #2731 (navy),

Crochet hook 1.75mm.



Chain (ch.). Double crochet (dc.), Back post double crochet (BP dc.), Front post double crochet (FP dc), Fantasy stitch (follow the chart).


A 4-inch square in fantasy stitch with double strand yarn and a 2.0 mm hook = 27 sts x 16 rows.   


6 (USA) / 10 (UK)


Front and Back – Started together. The coat is entirely made with double-strand yarn.

With navy yarn, make a row of 200 ch. + 3 ch. to turn, and work in fantasy st. following the chart in the following color sequence: 3 rows in navy, 6 rows in white (7x), 2 rows in navy, 6 rows in white, 2 rows in navy, and 3 rows in white.

At 12 inches from the start of the work, divide the work for the armholes as follows: 49 sts. for the right front, 102 sts. for the back, and 49 sts. for the left front. Work each section separately.

Back – On the 102 sts. for the back, continue in fantasy st., leaving 3 sts. and 1 st. unworked on each side of every row (2x). At 19 inches from the start of the work, fasten off.

Right Front – On the right front sts., continue in sfantasy st. and make the armhole as for the back. At 16 inches from the start of the work, for the neckline, leave 9 sts., 4 sts., 3 sts., 2 sts., and 1 st. unworked on the right side of every row. At 19 inches from the start of the work, fasten off.

Left Front – Work the same as the right front in reverse.


Sleeves – With navy yarn, make a row of 48 ch + 3 ch to turn the piece. Work in fantasy st. following the chart in the following color sequence: 3 rows in navy, 6 rows in white, 3 rows in navy  (4x), and finish the sleeve with white yarn. Inc. 1 st on each side every 5 rows (13x). At 16.5 inches from the start of the work for the armhole, leave 2 sts unworked on each side every row (14x). At 20.5 inches from the start of the work, fasten off.



Sew up the shoulders. Using white yarn, work 3 rows of fantasy sts. along the neckline following the chart and fasten off. Using white yarn, work 3 rows of fantasy sts. along the front following the chart and fasten off. Assemble the sleeves. Sew up the sides and sleeves. 

Designer: Gorete Andrade

Disclaimer: Measurements are approximate due to differences between centimeters and inches, needle sizes and tension. All care has been taken to allow accurate completion of the pattern.

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