Materials: Charme (150 g), 1 skein in each of the colors: 3402 (Circulo red), 2856 (Teal), 2 skeins color 8001 (White); 3,00 mm bamboo circular needles and 80 cm cable; stitch marker; Circulo tapestry needle; Wax paper; Pencil; Scissors; Measuring tape.
Size: L
Level of difficulty

Abbreviations: st: stitch, sts: stitches, RS: right side, WS: wrong side, k: knit stitch, p: purl stitch.
Knitting stitches used: Moss stitch (A): follow chart 1, 1x1 ribbing (B)- in the round: follow chart 2, sl1wyib: slip 1 stitch with the yarn in the back, sl1wyif: slip 1 stitch with the yarn in the front, ssk (left leaning decrease): slip the 1st stitch knitwise, the second purlwise, place both back at the left needle and k them together.. Tubular bind-off: work from right to left. Insert the tapestry needle into the first stitch (a knit stitch) purlwise and draw the yarn through, insert the needle between the first 2 sts from back to front, then knitwise into the second stitch (purl stitch), draw the yarn through. with the tapestry needle in front of the work, insert it into the first stitch (knit st) knitwise and slip it off the needle. Then skip the new first stitch on the needle (purl st) and insert the needle purlwise into the second one without slipping them off the needle, draw the yarn through. Insert the needle through the first stitch (purl) purlwise and slip it off the needle. Insert the needle between the first 2 sts from back to front, then knitwise into the second stitch (purl) and draw the yarn through. Repeat ** until the end of the row.
Gauge: 10 x 10 square in moss stitch (chart 1), using 3.00 mm circular needles = 26 sts x 30 rows.
Execution: transfer the molds to wax paper to use as reference when making the piece. Pay attention to the arrows on the measurement chart that indicate the direction of the work. Knit front and back panels flat. Knit the armhole and neckline ribbing in the round.
Back: cast-on 132 sts on the 3.00 mm circular needles, using Charme in the color white. Work bottom up, following chart 1. Work 10 rows using the white yarn. To create the straps, repeat the sequence as follows: 4 rows in the color Teal, 2 rows in the color White, 4 rows in the color Circulo red, 13 rows in the color White. Repeat the sequence between ** until you finish the panel. Once it measures 37 cm from the cast-on edge, start shaping the armholes, making the decreases every 2 rows: on each side, bind-off 7 sts (in 1 row), 5 sts (in 1 row), 3 sts (in 1 row), then 1 st (for 6 rows), ending up with 90 sts in total. Knit until it measures 49 cm from the cast-on edge, then start shaping the neckline. Place the 42 middle sts on a spare needle or scrap yarn and work with the 24 sts on each side separately, making the decreases on every row: on the neckline edge, decrease 2 sts on the RS and 1 st on the WS, for a total of 8 times (or 16 rows). Bind-off when the piece measures 55 cm from the cast-on edge and place it aside.
Front: just like the back.
Side seaming: Join the sides of the body (37 cm) with an invisible seam, using the tapestry needle and yarn colors according to the stripes.
Armhole ribbing: using the color Teal and the 3.00 mm needles, pick up and knit 55 sts on the back, cast-on 35 sts on the shoulder (at the join between front and back panels), pick up and knit 55 more sts on the front. You should have 145 sts in total. Join the round by making a ssk with the first and last sts, ending up with 144 sts on the needles. Use a stitch marker to mark the beginning of the round. Knit 1x1 ribbing (B) following chart 2 for 7 rounds. Cut the yarn, leaving a tail 3x longer than the armhole circumference and make a tubular bind-off, with the help of a tapestry needle. Make the second ribbing the same way.
Neckline: using the color Teal and the 3.00 mm needles, pick up and knit 79 around the neckline on the back, 35 sts on the right side, 78 sts on the front, 35 sts on the left side; you should have 227 sts in total. Join the round by making a ssk with the first and last sts, ending up with 226 sts on the needles. Use a stitch marker to mark the beginning of the round. Knit the neckline in the round in 1x1 ribbing (B) following chart 2 for 7 rounds. Cut the yarn, leaving a tail 3x longer than the armhole circumference and make a tubular bind-off with the help of a tapestry needle.
Designer: Samara Varela
Disclaimer: Measurements are approximate due to differences between centimeters and inches, needle sizes and tension. All care has been taken to allow accurate completion of the pattern.
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