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Gaultier Sweater


Circulo Bossa Nova, Worsted weight

(100% Merino Super wash 169yd/155m per 3.52oz/100g skein/ball)

MC color 8001/White

CC color 9887/Thistle

MC color 845 (1014, 1183)yds / 775 (930, 1085)m.

CC color 255 (338, 425)yds / 235 (310, 390)m.

US 6/4mm circular in 32 inch/80cm length, for magic loop method to knitting in the round.

2 pairs US 8/5mm circular 40 inch/100cm length, for magic loop method to knitting in the round.

Level of difficulty


Sizes S,(M, L)

Sample shown in size S.



This top-down sweater is meant to be a happy knitting, inspired by the French fishermen's good looking and warm clothing. It uses two contrasting colors that create soft stripes throughout the body. Merino wool is always a great choice for a winter project, being soft and generous in the knitting time. This design is easy to follow and will teach you a great way to knit.


 Difficulty Level

Advanced Beginner

  Skills Required/Techniques Used

-Knit & purl

-Cast on & bind off

-Increasing, decreasing

-Specialty BO: list

-Working in the round on circular needles

-Working small circumferences in the round with magic loop

-Picking up stitches


-Color change



Circulo Bossa Nova, Worsted weight

(100% Merino Super wash 169yd/155m per 3.52oz/100g skein/ball)

MC color 8001/White

CC color 9887/Thistle



MC color 845 (1014, 1183)yds / 775 (930, 1085)m.

CC color 255 (338, 425)yds / 235 (310, 390)m.



US 6/4mm circular in 32 inch/80cm length, for magic loop method to knit in the round.

2 pairs US 8/5mm circular 40 inch/100cm length, for magic loop method to knit in the round.



-Extra cables for needle(s): 60cm or 80cm.

-Stitch markers

-Tapestry needle



16 sts/21 rounds = 4 inches / 10cm square in stockinette stitch using US 8/ 5 mm needles



S,(M, L)

Sample shown in size S.


Finished Measurements

34 (38, 42)inch / 86 (96, 106)cm chest circumference for a loose fit with 7 inch / 18 cm of positive ease.


Body and sleeve lengths are customizable.




MC         Main color

CC        Contrast color

sts        stitches

m         marker

pm        put market/pass marker

rnd        round

CO        Cast on

BO        Bind off

k         Knit

p         purl

kfb        knit front and back of stitch

k2tog      knit 2 sts together

RS        Right side

WS        Wrong side




Construction: top down with raglan sleeves.

Tip for working the pattern: it’s helpful to use a rnd counter.

Tip for adjusting sizes: take the measurement of your chest and calculate when beginning section 2.





Section 1 - Yoke

Using MC and US 6/4mm needles, CO 90(90,90)sts using the Italian cast-on method. Place marker and join the work in rnd.


>K to end of rnd, pm.

>Repeat last rnd 9 more times.


Next Rnd: fold live sts to WS at turning rnd. Knit together live sts with CO rnd.


>Change to US 8 /5mm needles to work in rnd.

Rnd 1 MC: k15, pm, k30, pm, k15, pm, k30 to end of rnd, pm.


Rnd 2 MC: (kfb, k to last 1 sts before the m, kfb), pm, repeat ()3 times to end of rnd, pm.


>Repeat Rnd 2 22 (27, 32) more times, or until you get the measurement of your chest.


CC Rnd: Using CC, repeat Rnd 2.

>Repeat CC Rnd 4 more times.



Section 2 - Body

Rnd 1 (MC): Using MC, k all sts, pm.


Rnd 2 (MC): Slip the next sts until the m to an extra cable, pm, CO 4(6, 8)sts using the cable CO method, pm, k to the next m, pm, repeat * to end of rnd, pm.


Rnd 3 (MC): K all sts, pm.

>Repeat Rnd 3 for 7 more times.


Rnd 11 (CC): Using CC, k all sts, pm.

>Repeat Rnd 11 for 4 more times.


Rnd 16 (MC): K all sts, pm.

>Repeat Rnd 16 for 9 more times.


>Repeat from Rnd 11 to Rnd 25 for 2 more times. You should end up with 4 stripes in CC, each 5 rows wide and with 10 rows in MC between them.


>Repeat last rnd (MC) for 18 more times.


Next Rnd: P all sts, pm.


>K in the rnd until you have 9 rows.


BO: Fold live sts to WS at turning rnd. Cut the yarn, leaving a tail approximately 3 times longer than the circumference of the round. Using a tapestry needle, sew the live sts to WS 1 ½ inch (4cm)or 10 rounds up from the turning rnd.


NOTE: Body length is customizable.


Section 3 - Sleeves

Install the US 8 / 5mm needles in the extra cable with the waiting sts.


Rnd 1 (MC): Using MC, k all sts, pick up and k 6(8, 10) sts from the underarm, pm.


Rnd 2 (MC): K all sts, pm.

>Repeat Rnd 2 for 7 more times.


Rnd 10 (CC): Using CC, k1, k2tog, k to end of round, pm.

Rnd 11 (CC): K all sts, pm.


>Repeat Rnd 11 for 3 more times.


Rnd 15 (MC): Using MC, k1, k2tog, k to the end, pm.

Rnd 16 (MC): K all sts, pm.


>Repeat Rnd 16 (MC) for 3 more times.


>Repeat from Rnd 15 (MC) one more time (5 rounds).


>Repeat Rnd 10 to Rnd 24 for 2 more times.


>Repeat Rnd 15 to Rnd 19 6 more times.


NOTE: Sleeve length is customizable.



Section 4 - Cuffs

Rnd 1 MC: Using MC, k all sts, pm.

>Repeat Rnd 1 8 more times.


Rnd 2 MC: P all sts, pm.


>K in the rnd for 9 rows in total.


BO: Fold live sts to WS when turning rnd. Cut the yarn, leaving a tail approximately 3 times longer than the circumference of the round. Using a tapestry needle, sew the live sts to WS 1 ½ inch (4cm)or 10 rounds up from the turning rnd.



Weave in ends and block.


By Karlyn Rolas

Disclaimer: Measurements are approximate due to differences between centimeters and inches, needle sizes and tension. All care has been taken to allow accurate completion of the pattern.

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