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Blue Hat


Level of difficulty

Size: M/G adult (fits heads from 21½" to 24½" circumference)



1 skein Merino Supreme color 2829

1 pair of nr. 10½ knitting needles

Tapestry needle to sew and hide ends

A 2½" pompom maker (or use another method to make a 2½" pompom)



2k/1kLC = 2/1 left cross: slip 2 stitches purlwise from left nd to cable nd; hold cable nd at the front of the work; knit 1 left-nd stitch; knit the 2 stitches on cable nd.

2k/1pLC = 2/1 left cross: slip 2 stitches purlwise from left nd to cable nd; hold cable nd at the front of the work; purl 1 left-nd stitch; knit the 2 stitches on cable nd.

1k/2kRC = 1/2 right cross: slip 1 stitch purlwise from left nd to cable nd; hold cable nd at the back of the work; knit 2 left-nd stitches; knit the stitch on cable nd.

1p/2kRC = 1/2 right cross: slip 1 stitch purlwise from left nd to cable nd; hold cable nd at the back of the work; knit 2 left-nd stitches; purl the stitch on cable nd.

2/2LC = 2/2 left cross: slip 2 stitches purlwise from left nd to cable nd; hold cable nd at the front of the work; knit 2 left-nd stitches; knit the 2 stitches on cable nd.

BO = bind off

CO = cast on

k = knit

k2tog = knit 2 stitches together (right-leaning decrease)

m1 = make 1 st: lift the strand between stitches, put it on left needle, work it twisted through the back loop

nd = needle(s)

nr = number

st = stitch, stitches

p = purl

RS = right side

sl = slip 1 stitch

sl1k = slip 1 st as if to knit

ssk = sl1k, sl1k, knit these two stitches together through the back loop (left-leaning decrease)

WS = wrong side

yo = yarn over


Stitches used

2×2 rib: k2, p2, k2, repeat from . Next rows: work the stitches as they appear.

Diamond Cable stitch (multiple of 16 st +2)

Row 1 (RS): k2, p5, 2/2LC, p5, repeat from to last 2 st, k2

Row 2 (WS): work the stitches as they appear

Row 3: k2, p4, 1p/2kRC, 2k/1kLC, p4, repeat from to last 2 st, k2

Row 4: p2, k4, p2, k1, p3, k4, p2, repeat from

Row 5: k2, p3, 1k/2kRC, p1, k1, 2k/1pLC, p3, repeat from to last 2 st, k2

Row 6: p2, k3, p2, 2×[p1, k1], p2, k3, p2, repeat from

Row 7: k2, p2, 1p/2kRC, 2×[k1, p1], 2k/1kLC, p2, repeat from to last 2 st, k2

Row 8: p2, k2, p2, 3×[k1, p1], p2, k2, p2, repeat from

Row 9: k2, p2, k2, 3×[p1, k1], 2k, p2, repeat from to last 2 st, k2

Row 10: repeat Row 8

Row 11: k2, p2, 2k/1pLC, 2×[k1, p1], 1p/2kRC, p2, repeat from to last 2 st, k2

Row 12: repeat Row 6

Row 13: k2, p3, 2k/1pLC, p1, k1, 1p/2kRC, p3, repeat from to last 2 st, k2

Row 14: repeat Row 4

Row 15: k2, p4, 2k/1pLC, 1p/2kRC, p4, repeat from to last 2 st, k2

Row 16: work the stitches as they appear


Gauge: 4" = 14 st × 17 rows in Diamond Cable st


With nr 10½ needles, CO 66 st.

Work 7 rows of 2/2 rib, ending with a RS row.

Setup row (WS): p2, k5, p4, k5, repeat from

Work all 16 rows of Diamond Cable stitch; repeat rows 1 to 10.

Next rows:

Row 27: k2, p2, k1, ssk, 2×[k1, p1], k2tog, k1, p2, repeat from to last 2 st, k2

Row 28: p2, k2, p2, 2×[p1, k1], p2, k2, p2, repeat from

Row 29: k2, p2, k1, ssk, p1, k1, k2tog, k1, p2, repeat from to last 2 st, k2

Row 30: p2, k2, p2, k1, p3, k2, p2, repeat from

Row 31: k2, p2, k1, ssk, k2tog, repeat from to last 2 st, k2

Row 32: work the stitches as they appear

Row 33: k1, k2tog to last st, k1.


Cut yarn letting a long tail. Insert tail into tapestry needle, pass tail through all st, pull tail to tighten. Use mattress st to sew back of hat invisibly.

Use pompom maker to make a 2½ inches pompom. Sew pompom to top of hat.


Diamond Cable Stitch chart

 Disclaimer: Measurements are approximate due to differences between centimeters and inches, needle sizes and tension. All care has been taken to allow accurate completion of the pattern.

If you're interested in this pattern in other sizes, please email us at

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