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Anne Shawl


2 skeins of Anne 250 or 1 skein of Anne 500 in the color 7684 (porcelain); 1 skein of Anne 65m in the color 7684 (porcelain); 1 skein of Anne 65m each color: 7311 (tobacco), 7148 (craft), 7625 (chestnut) e 7650 (almond); Circulo 4.00 mm circular bamboo knitting needles and 80 cm cable; Circulo tapestry needle; Pins; Wax paper; Pencil; Scissors; Measuring tape, Steam iron.

Size: One size fits all.


Level of difficulty



Abbreviations: tog: together, yo: yarn over, k: knit, p: purl, st: stitch, sts: stitches, BO: bind-off.

Knitting stitches used: shawl: follow chart 1, k2tog (right leaning decrease): knit 2 stitches together as usual; k2togtbl (left leaning decrease): knit 2 stitches together through the back loop; k3togtbl (left leaning double decrease): knit 3 stitches together through the back loop.

Gauge: 10 x 10 square in stitch pattern (chart 1) with 4.00 circular needles = 19 sts x 28 rows.

Execution: transfer the molds to wax paper to use as reference when knitting the piece. Pay attention to the arrows on the measurement chart that indicate the direction of the work.

Shawl: Use the yarn Anne in the color porcelain. Make the sts using both (100 and 60 cm) 4.00 mm circular knitting needles. Provisional cast-on 3 sts on the 4.00 mm needles; these 3 sts will stay on the bottom needle and will be worked later. With the top needle, work on the 3 sts to begin the project.

1st to 7th rows: p3; NOTE: knit the 8th row as follows: p3, pick up and p 3 sts on the side of the work (1 st for each 2 rows), place the provisional cast-on sts back on the left needle and p them (9 sts total on row 8).

Follow the instructions below or chart 1. Purl all sts on even rows.

9th row: p3, yo, p1, yo, k1 (center), yo, p1, yo, p3.

11th row: p3, yo, p3, yo, k1 (center), yo, p3, yo, p3.

13th row: p3, yo, p5, yo, k1 (center), yo, p5, yo, p3.

15th row: p3, yo, p7, yo, k1 (center), yo, p7, yo, p3.

17th row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p1, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p1, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

19th row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p3, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p3, yo, k2, k2togtbl, p3.

21st row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p5, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p5, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

23rd row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p7, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p7, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3. Drop the yarn in the color Porcelain (do not break the yarn) to go back to it later; join the color Almond and p rows 24th and 26th.

25th row: p3, yo, p17, yo, k1 (center), yo, p17, yo, p3.

27th row: p3, yo, p17, yo, k1 (center), yo, p19, yo, p3; break the yarn in the color Almond, leaving a 15 cm tail to weave in later. Pick up the yarn in the color Porcelain again and p row 28.

29th row: p3, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 1 more time, yo, p1, yo, k1 (center), yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 1 more time, yo, p1, yo, p3.

31st row: p3, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 1 more time, yo, p3, yo, k1 (center), yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 1 more time, yo, p3, yo, p3.

33rd row: p3,*yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1*, repeat 1 more time, yo, p5, yo, k 1 (center), yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 1 more time, yo, p5, yo, p3.

35ªth row: p3, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat 1 more time, yo, p7, yo, k1 (center), yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat  1 more time, yo, p7, yo, p3.

37th row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 1 more time, yo, p1, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat   1 more time, yo, p1, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

39th row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 1 more time, yo, p3, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat  1 more time, yo, p3, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

41st row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 1 more time, yo, p5, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat  1 more time, yo, p5, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

43rd row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat ** 1 more time, yo, p7, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2*, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat ** 1 more time, yo, p7, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3. Drop the yarn in the color Porcelain to go back to it later; join the yarn in the color Chestnut and purl rows 44 and 46.

45th row: p3, yo, p37, yo, k1 (center), yo, p37, yo, p3.

47th row: p3, yo, p39, yo, k1 (center), yo, p39, yo, p3. Break the yarn in the color Chestnut, leaving a 15 cm tail to weave in later. Pick up the yarn in the color Porcelain again and p row 48.

49th row: p3, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 3 more times, yo, p1, yo, k1 (center), yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 3 more times, yo, p1, yo, p3.

51st row: yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 3 more times, yo, p3, yo, k1 (center), yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat  3 more times, yo, p3, yo, p3.

53rd row: p3, yo, p5, yo, k11, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 3 more times, yo, p5, yo, k1 (center), yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 3 more times, yo, p5, yo, p3.

55th row: p3, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat 3 more times, yo, p7, yo, k1 (center), yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat  3 more times, yo, p7, yo, p3.

57th row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 3 more times, yo, p1, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat  3 more times, yo, p1, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

59th row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2 yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 3 more times, yo, p3, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 3 more times, yo, p3, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

61st row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 3 more times, yo, p5, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat  3 more times, yo, p5, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

63rd row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat 3 more times, yo, p7, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat  3 more times, yo, p7, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3. Drop the yarn in the color Porcelain to work with it later; join the yarn in the color Craft and p rows 64 and 66.

65th row: p3, yo, p57, yo, k1 (center), yo, p57, yo, p3.

67th row: p3, yo, p59, yo, k1 (center), yo, p59, yo, p3. Break the yarn in the color Craft, leaving a 15 cm tail to weave in later. Pick up the yarn in the color Porcelain again and p row 68.

69th row: p3, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 5 more times, yo, p1, yo, k1 (center), yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 5 more times, yo, p1, yo, p3.

71st row: p3, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 5 more times, yo, 03, yo, k1 (center), yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 5 more times, yo, p3, yo, p3.

73rd row: p3, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 5 more times, yo, p5, yo, k1 (center), yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat  5 more times, yo, p5, yo, p3.

75th row: p3, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat 5 more times, yo, p7, yo, k1 (center), yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat  5 more times, yo, p7, yo, p3.

77th row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 5 more times, yo, p1, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat  5 more times, yo, p1, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

79th row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 5 more times, yo, p3, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat  5 more times, yo, p3, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

81st row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, peat 5 more times, yo, p5, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat  5 more times, yo, p5, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

83rd row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat 5 more times, yo, p7, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat  5 more times, yo, p7, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3. Drop the yarn in the color Porcelain to work with it later. Join the yarn in the color Tobacco and p rows 84 and 86.

85th row: p3, yo, p77, yo, k1 (center), yo, p77, yo, p3.

87th row: p3, yo, p79, yo, k1 (center), yo, p79, yo, p3. Break the yarn in the color Tobacco, leaving a 15 cm tail to weave in later. Pick up the yarn in the color Porcelain again and p row 88.

89th row: p3, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 7 more times, yo, p1, yo, k1 (center), yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 7 more times, yo, p1, yo, p3.

91st row: p3, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 7 more times, yo, p3, yo, k1 (center), yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 7 more times, yo, p3, yo, p3.

93rd row: p3, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 7 more times, yo, p5, yo, k1 (center), yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 7 more times, yo, p5, yo, p3.

95th row: p3, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat 7 more times, yo, p7, yo, k1 (center), yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat 7 more times, yo, p7, yo, p3.

97th row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 7 more times, yo, p1, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat  7 more times, yo, p1, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

99th row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 7 more times, yo, p3, yo, k2m k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat  7 more times, yo, p3, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

101st row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 7 more times, yom, p5, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat  7 more times, yo, p5, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

103rd row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat 7 more times, yo, p7, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat  7 more times, yo, p7, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3. Drop the yarn in the color Porcelain to work with it later; join the yarn in the color Almond and p rows 104 and 106.

105th row: p3, yo, p97, yo, k1 (center), yo, p97, yo, p3.

107th row: p3, yo, p99, yo, k1 (center), yo, p99, yo, p3. Break the yarn in the color Almond, leaving a 15 cm tail to weave in later. Pick up the yarn in the color Porcelain again and p row 108.

109th row: p3, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 9 more times, yo, p1, yo, k1 (center), yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 9 more times, yo, p1, yo, p3.

111th row: p3, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 9 more times, yo, p3, yo, k1 (center), yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 9 more times, yo, p3, yo, p3.

113th row: p3, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 9 more times, yo, p5, yo, k1 (center), yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 9 more times, yo, p5, yo, p3.

115th row: p3, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repat 9 more times, yo, p7, yo, k1 (center), yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat  9 more times, yo, p7, yo, p3.

117th row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 9 more times, yo, p1, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat  9 more times, yo, p1, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

119th row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 9 more times, yo, p3, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat  9 more times, yo, p3, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

121st row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 9 more times, yo, p5, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat  9 more times, yo, p5, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

123rd row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat 9 more times, yo, p7, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat  9 more times, yo, p7, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3. Drop the yarn in the color Porcelain to work with it later; join the yarn in the color Chestnut and p rows 124 and 126.

125th row: p3, yo, p117, yo, k1 (center), yo, p117, yo, p3.

127th row: p3, yo, p119, yo, k1 (center), yo, p119, yo, p3. Break the yarn in the color Chestnut, leaving a 15 cm tail to weave in later. Pick up the yarn in the color Porcelain again and p row 128.

129th row: p3, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 11 more times, yo, p1, yo, k1 (center), yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 11 more times, yo, p1, yo, p3.

131st row: p3, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 11 more times, yo, p3, yo, k1 (center), yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 11 more times, yo, p3, yo, p3.

133rd row: p3, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 11 more times, yo, p5, yo, k1 (center), yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 11 more times, yo, p5, yo, p3.

135th row: p3, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat 11 more times, yo, p7, yo, k1 (center), yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat   11 more times, yo, p7, yo, p3.

137th row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 11 more times, yo, p1, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat  11 more times, yo, p1, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

139th row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 11 more times, yo, p3, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat  11 more times, yo, p3, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, p3.

141st row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 11 more times, yo, p5, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat  11 more times, yo, p5, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

143rd row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat 11 more times, yo, p7, yo, k2k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat  11 more times, yo, p7, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3. Drop the yarn in the color Porcelain to work with it later; join the yarn in the color Craft and p rows 144 and 146.

145th row: p3, yo, p137, yo, k1 (center), yo, p137, yo, p3.

147th row: p3, yo, p139, yo, k1 (center), yo, p139, yo, p3. Break the yarn in the color Craft, leaving a 15 cm tail to weave in later. Pick up the yarn in the color Porcelain again and p row 148.

149th row: p3, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 13 more times, yo, p1, yo, k1 (center), yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat   13 more times, yo, p1, yo, p3.

151st row: p3, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 13 more times, yo, p3, yo, k1 (center), yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 13 more times, yo, p3, yo, p3.

153rd row: p3, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 13 more times, yo, p5, yo, k1 (center), yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 13 more times, yo, p5, yo, p3.

155th row: p3, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat 13 more times, yo, p7, yo, k1 (center), yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat  13 more times, yo, p7, yo, p3.

157th row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 13 more times, yo, p1, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat  13 more times, yo, p1, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3,

159th row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 13 more times, yo, p3, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p3, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat  13 more times, yo, p3, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

161st row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 13 more times, yo, p5, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat  13 more times, yo, p5, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

163rd row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat 13 more times, yo, p7, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat  13 more times, yo, p7, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3. Drop the yarn in the color Porcelain to work with it later. Join the yarn in the color Tobacco and p rows 164 and 166.

165th row: p3, yo, p157, yo, k1 (center), yo, p157, yo, p3.

167th row: p3, yo, p159, yo, k1 (center), yo, p159, yo, p3. Break the yarn in the color Tobacco, leaving a 15 cm tail to weave in later; pick up the yarn in the color Porcelain again and p row 168.

169th row: p3, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 15 more times, yo, p1, yo, k1 (center), yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat  15 more times, yo, p1, yo, p3.

170th row: p333;

171st row: p3, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 15 more times, yo, p3, yo, k1 (center), yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat  15 more times, yo, p3, yo, p3.

173rd row: p3, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 15 more times, yo, p5, yo, k1 (center), yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat  15 more times, yo, p5, yo, p3.

175th row: p3, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat 15 more times, yo, p7, yo, k1 (center), yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat 15 more times, yo, p7, yo, p3.

177th row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 15 more times, yo, p1, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p1, yo, k3, k3togtbl, k3, repeat 15 more times, yo, p1, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

179th row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 15 more times, yo, p3, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p3, yo, k2, k3togtbl, k2, repeat 15 more times, yo, p3, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

181st row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 15 more times, yo, p5, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p5, yo, k1, k3togtbl, k1, repeat 15 more times, yo, p5, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3.

183rd row: p3, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat 15 more times, yo, p7, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, k1 (center), yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p7, yo, k3togtbl, repeat  15 more times, yo, p7, yo, k2, k2togtbl, yo, p3. Break the yarn in the color porcelain.

Join the yarn in the color Almond and p rows 184 and 186.

185ª carr.: 3 t., 1 laç., 177 t., 1 laç., 1 m. central, 1 laç., 177 t., 1 laç., 3 t.;

187th row: p3, yo, p179, yo, k1 (center), yo, p179, yo, p3. Break the yarn in the color Almond, leaving a 15 cm tail to weave in later. Join the yarn in the color Chestnut and p rows 188 and 190.

189th row: p3, yo, p181, yo, k1 (center), yo, p181, yo, p3.

191st row.: p3, yo, p183, yo, k1 (center), yo, p183, yo, p3. Break the yarn in the color Chestnut, leaving a 15 cm tail to weave in later.

Join the yarn in the color Craft and p rows 192 and 194.

193rd row: p3, yo, p185, yo, k1 (center), yo, p185, yo, p3.

195th row: p3, yo, p187, yo, k1 (center), yo, p187, yo, p3. Breat the yarn in the color Craft, leaving a 15 cm tail to weave in later.

Join the yarn in the color Tobacco and p row 196.

Picot bind-off: bind-off the first 4 sts purlwise, slip the st back to the left needle, p it twice (1 incr.), slip it back to the left needle and p2, slip them back to the left needle and p2tog; bind-off the next 4 sts purlwise, repeat ** 94 more times, bind-off the next 4 sts purlwise.

Finishing: weave in all the ends using the tapestry needle. Steam block the piece with the steam iron, using pins to stretch it and give it the right shape and measurements, according to the measurement chart.

Designer: Carlos Adriano C. Xavier

Disclaimer: Measurements are approximate due to differences between centimeters and inches, needle sizes and tension. All care has been taken to allow accurate completion of the pattern.

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